Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

Workshop for Monthly Meeting Recorders


Duties of the Recorder


Keeping the Records

Depositing meeting membership records


Hiltrud Dodge, Membership Secretary, PYM
Viv Hawkins, Director of Business and Information Systems, PYM
Christopher Densmore, Curator, Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College


Each participant learn at least one concrete thing about the keeping of membership records
All participants get to know and feel comfortable with contact persons at the PYM offices
All participants get basic familiarity with the procedures for depositing records at the two repositories


The origins of membership and recordkeeping in the Society of Friends
Sources of information about keeping records:

Faith and Practice (see Extracts related to membership and records)
Baltimore Yearly Meeting. Committee on Records. Handbook on Records : Their Creation, Maintenance, and Preservation in the Meeting. c. 1996.

Records Services Group website:

PYM Staff:

Viv Hawkins


Hiltrud Dodge


Allen Reeder


Staff at Haverford:

Elisabeth Potts Brown


Diana Franzusoff-Peterson


Emma Jones Lapsansky


Staff at Swarthmore:

Christopher Densmore


Patricia C. O'Donnell


Duties of the Recorder

Maintain record for each individual member: birth/adoption, marriage, children (by birth or adoption), death, transfer in transfer out, receipt into membership, resignation/release
Maintain lists:
Births/adoptions, deaths, marriages, transfers in and out
Develop annual membership statistics
Report to Yearly Meeting office Monthly (as needed): changes in directory data for individual members, i.e., new members, terminations, changes of address
Annually: statistical report of changes in numbers during the year (as of December 31, due the January 31)
In general, and in cooperation with the Committee of Overseers, serve the monthly meeting as its expert on the practical details of membership

Forms: (Coming soon to the Web)Individual members:

Some meetings still have large, bound registers produced until the mid-20th centuryPYM used to sell printed sheet; dropped because too costly to manage

Produce from sample: photocopy on acid-free paper
Lists: New members, terminated members, births, deaths, marriages, transfers

Change reports: distributed by and returned to PYM office
Annual statistical reports: distributed by and returned to PYM office

Keeping the records:

Even if working membership lists are kept as a computer database, it remains essential to keep basic paper records

Use acid-free paper, avoid ball-point penIf using individual member sheets, keep two alphabetical sequences: one for current members, one for past members (ceased member file)Watch for all change of address notices, birth notice, death notices, etc and add information to member dataNotify overseers or monthly meeting if they don’t already knowKeep log of changes that affect numbers for annual reportKeep minors on sheet for parents

See section in Faith and PracticeFind out, if necessary by reviewing past monthly meeting minutes, how your monthly meeting has chosen to implement the options regarding membership for children

Review exisiting records to determine whether membership status is clear; ask parents (or have overseers ask parents) if you cannot tell
At least once a year (before annual report): review all family sheets to determine which children reached age 21; if they were registered by their parents as members, start a new individual sheet for them; compare recorder's records with Overseers membership lists

Depositing meeting membership records:

Where: the Yearly Meeting repositories:

The Quaker Collection, Haverford College

Magill LibraryHaverford CollegeHaverford, PA 19041610-896-1161

Elizabeth Potts Brown, Quaker Bibliographer:
Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

500 College AvenueSwarthmore, PA 19081-1399610-328-8496

Christopher Densmore, Curator:
If you are unsure as to which is (or should be) your meeting's repository, contact either collection
When a bound membership volume is fullfilled using individual sheets, deposit ceased member file approximately every 10 years (or if you have any reason to fear that the file will otherwise go astray)
Preferably in person or via a delivery method that includes a receipt and tracking (e.g., U.S. registered mail, UPS)
Note: Records remain the property of the depositing meeting or its successor (as defined in Faith and Practice) and can be withdrawn by minute of that meeting
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